Jaisalto Bookkeeping

Hi, I’m Sallianne Thompson, owner of Jaisalto Bookkeeping, and it’s my mission to help your business ‘From the Books Up’.

As a bookkeeper for more than 30 years, I’ve worked with a diverse range of clients including tradies, building and construction, medical and allied health service providers, and everything in between. My parents were both tradies, and I grew up in a rural area around small business. Being a sole trader myself I want to bring sanity to your business obligations and give you back your personal time. I have bookkeeping packages for a variety of businesses, including tradies bookkeeping.

My motto is “Bringing Balance To Your Business/Life”. Your books are in safe hands with me. I’m an accredited bookkeeper and BAS agent and all work is completed by me right here in Logan. I’m a certified bookkeeper, qualified in accounting, business manangement and Government record archiving and I offer a range of administration services too that I can incorporate into my bookkeeping packages.

So, let me introduce you to the latest digital accounting and automated technology and get your books in balance. Let’s meet and chat about how you can be freed up to concentrate on building your business, knowing that a professional is right there. While you’re taking care of business, I’ll take care of you. Your books are just the beginning. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed the benefits of your hard work?


  • Diploma in Financial Services (Accounting) (Bookkeeping)
  • Cert IV in Business and Business Administration
  • Certificate in Archiving/Record